Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Ah.....Tuesday...and the living is, well, pretty okay. It occurred to me that we often measure our lives by the big milestones, in much the same way countries measure their histories by the big events like wars and whatnot; however it's the Tuesdays of our lives that fill the bulk of this thing called living: the seemingly inconsequential days filled with cups of coffee, quick lunches, sillt blog posts and the longing to be somewhere - anywhere - else. But in the end these are the days that matter most, forgotten though they may be. So I intend to make the most of them, in all their mundane glory. Let's lift a glass to the Tuesdays of our lives and perhaps live in a richer way.

(This post sounds too "Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kidnergarten"- ish, which disturbs me, seeing how I despise syrupy self-help crap. Someone help me!!!! Please!!!!!)

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Father's Hearing Aid's Star Wars-ian Connection

My father has a hearing aid that he hates to wear, but when he does I sometimes feel like I'm talking to R2-D2, with all the beeps, whistles and chirps it emits. You'd think with the technology available today they could make equipment that doesn't sound like an astro-droid. (One that sounded like a Sith Lord might be cool, of course, but I'll save that for another post.) Unlike C3-PO, however, I am not fluent in six million forms of communication, so the level of conversation tends to be - how do I put it? - poor. May the Force be with us.


The title of this blog, by the way, is my personal shorthand for life, which is that in between the entrance (birth) and the exit (death) we have "everything in between," in all it's glorious, messy, tragic glory.

My Very First Blog

So....This is what it feels like to write a blog. It reminds me, in a curious way, of the way i felt when I'd completed potty training: triumphant, yet a wee bit unsure of myself in this brave new world. But I must say that I like the feel of writing a blog in the afternoon: it feels like....victory.